As we study the past history of Christianity, and examine the biblical predictions of its…
When asked by the woman at Jacob’s well where people should go to worship God,…
An astonishing report by Oxfam was published in 2020 which headlined: “THE WORLD’S 2,153 BILLIONAIRES…
They say the most dangerous eight seconds in sports is bull riding. That’s because when…
According to Luke “Jesus was about thirty years old when he began His public ministry.” 203 After…
The Bible is full of indicators telling us that the world’s end is very, very…
As one follows the Bible narrative they will see after the Messiah’s first visit to…
Blueprint in the past. Controlling the world through economic sanctions and political strength is one…
“He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant – not of the…
The question as to whether or not Jesus Christ was the promised Seed is of…
Many misunderstand what it means to be chosen or elected by God. They confuse those…
Just as Israel at times would be diverted from their divine calling, so throughout the…
We were all born blind, spiritually speaking. Through His written Word, given primarily to explain…
Why Israel? Because the Bible declares Israel’s presence on the world scene is tangible evidence of…
There is a remarkable prophecy given by Jesus in Mark 13:28-30. Commonly known as the…
Some people argue that because the Jewish bloodline has become so mixed with the other…
The human mind desires to learn. By nature, our race is incurably curious. We love…
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