The Bible is full of indicators telling us that the world’s end is very, very soon. Here are just a few:

KNOWLEDGE: “Never before in earth’s recorded history has one generation witnessed such increase in technological knowledge”. Keavin Hayden. “Truth That Matters” p 38. Daniel 12:4 says.. “ But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

 GOVERNMENTAL/ ECONOMIC: “The current state of world affairs provides sufficient reasons for most people to be concerned. Many who don’t even study Bible prophecy sense that something has gone wrong and that things cannot long continue the way they are.” Keavin Hayden “Truth That Matters” p 39. “The Bible tells us that before the second coming of Jesus, the nation’s governments would begin to counsel together in an attempt to solve the world’s problems. Over the last decade we have heard much about one-world government. Such global political arrangements were predicted in the Bible as taking place near the end of time. When asked by His disciples what would be the sign telling of His near return, Jesus said that “the nations of earth will be in turmoil, and their leaders will be perplexed.” (Luke 21: 25). Keavin Hayden “Truth That Matters” p. 39. Today, as we look around the globe we see clear indicators that the economic structure of the world is falling. Such perplexities were prophesied as end time events.

 MODERN SOCIETY: “Nearly two thousand years ago the Christian apostle Paul wrote concerning the intense social problems that would exist in the world at the end of time.” Paul said, “You may as well know this…. In the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy. Without natural affection, trucebreakers, fierce, despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 2 Timothy 3:1-5. Without question, such conditions are now a living reality on our world. It is without doubt that the most disturbing evidence that our social fabric is being ripped apart is the low level of respect people now have for those in authority. This scourge can be witnessed daily at all levels of society, the saddest of all, being in the home.” Keavin Hayden “Truth That Matters” p. 42.

 RELIGIOUS SIGNS: “Another indicator that we are living in earth’s last days is found in the religious world” The Bible warns us to be very cautious about the result of religious hypocrisy, which is forecasted for these last days. Many religionists only play church, and the power of God’s spirit is not with them. Since it is God’s Spirit manifested in the lives of His true followers that always wins converts to genuine Christianity, the Bible proclaims that these spirit-void churchgoers will one day seek to reform society’s deteriorating morals by restoring to political legislation. It is an established historical pattern that when the church separates herself from the power of God, she turns to the power of persecution through the political state to win her converts.” Keavin Hayden “Truth That Matters” p. 42, 43.

“Here in the end time the gospel message of Christ is to cut people away from the way the world thinks and what the world does…. Satan knows all this, so he tries to deceive those interested in Christianity with a false gospel. He would like to have us believe that anyone who makes any profession of faith without a drastic change in life and thought is on the road to the heavenly paradise. He sends people who appear to believe and teach heavenly truths, but their teachings do not lead away from the world’s practices.” In 1 John 4:1, 5 it says “Beloved believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.. They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.” Keavin Hayden “Truth That Matters” p. 123, 124.

All such deception is about to end. The battle between the powers of good and evil in this world is about to consummate. A worldwide crisis will soon come and test the true character of every man and woman to make manifest which side he or she is on. The gospel message of salvation through Christ’s merits alone, which lead to obedience to all God’s commandments will do its work in separating the true followers of Christ from those who merely profess their loyalty to Him.” Keavin Hayden “Truth That Matters” p. 124.

Folks, in times like these we need the Gospel to prepare our lives for Jesus’ coming. Try Jesus today. He can make a difference in your life.

Taken from the book “Truth That Matters” by Keavin Hayden; Published by Pacific Press Publishing Association. Copyright. Used by Permission.